LTE: Snyder is a strong advocate for manufacturing industry

Letters: Snyder is a strong advocate for manufacturing industry

Published on October 30, 2018  in Opinion

Dear editor,

Merrill Steel is a family-owned company that has been part of the Wausau/Merrill area for nearly 60 years. We’re proud of the work we do and the products we send to major projects in Wisconsin and throughout the country. This year, Merrill Steel won a contract with Foxconn. We’re happy to be one of eight companies in the state and three in Marathon County that will partner with Foxconn. Merrill Steel will fabricate structural steel and miscellaneous metals work for the Mount Pleasant facility.

We’re grateful State Representative Pat Snyder stands behind his constituents and keeps our best interest in mind. He had the foresight to know the impact this project could have right here in Marathon County. Pat understands the needs of our community and knows how strong our manufacturing industry is.

Pat works hard to help support jobs in our community. He also worked to ensure any investment we make is sound. When legislation for Foxconn was passed, it included claw backs to ensure the company invests in the state. Wisconsin will see a $18 return on every dollar the state spends. That’s not politics, that’s smart business.

Representative Snyder has been a strong advocate for the manufacturing industry here in Marathon County and we thank him for his commitment to our community and bringing such great opportunities to the businesses in our area.

I’m proud to vote for him on November 6th.

Tim Hinner, Wausau

LTE: Pat Snyder cares about health care

Letters: Pat Snyder cares about health care

Published on October 23, 2018  in Opinion

Dear editor,

As a physician, I believe that  we need to strive for full access to health care and comprehensive insurance coverage for preexisting conditions. I have personally seen the devastation caused by lack of adequate access and coverage.

Representative Pat Snyder has directly acknowledged the importance of these issues and  supports options for lowering healthcare costs for individuals and families. He has worked to protect all the members of our community with regard  to healthcare insurance, but particularly those most vulnerable. He has strongly supported coverage for pre-existing conditions in existing policies as well as new coverage.

He has well articulated the need to provide health care options that are attainable and affordable. As our representative in Madison, he has been our ardent advocate: quick to listen and respond to the needs of his constituents. He has truly demonstrated a heart for the people of the 85th Assembly District.

We need representatives that can listen to us, cut through the political rhetoric and strive for affordable and compassionate solutions to the problem of  healthcare coverage. I am confident in Pat’s commitment to work tirelessly on our behalf, and strongly encourage you to support him on November 6th.

Dr. Fernando Riveron, Wausau

LTE: Pat Snyder puts education first

Letters: Pat Snyder puts education first

Published on October 19, 2018  in Opinion

Dear editor,

It should come as no surprise that our State Representative Pat Snyder is putting education and our educators at the top of his priority list.

Pat understands the lasting impact teachers have on our youth with a daughter who teaches at a local elementary school. He has been an advocate for our community to ensure that our teachers have the tools they need to provide our students with a quality education. As a legislator, he supported an increase in public education funding by $636 million dollars. He understands what teachers need and is working for our students and educators.

Pat has also fought to keep our community safe. He supported the $100 million safety grants to provide funding to our schools which allows our students to have a safe place to learn and our teachers a safe place to teach.

Students not only need to feel safe, but also understood. As they enter the classroom, they carry more than their pencil and notebooks. They bring all of their emotions and experiences from home as well. Our teachers do an excellent job teaching our students academics and interpersonal skills. However, we have seen an increase in the need for mental health education and resources in our schools which is why Pat helped to ensure that new and expanded school based mental health programs were made available. Millions of dollars were secured to be used for these programs.

Representative Snyder is our voice for education in Marathon County and Madison.


Joelle Witter, Wausau

Rep. Pat Snyder announces re-election bid

DATE: April 10, 2018

Rep. Pat Snyder Announces Re-election Bid

Wausau-Wisconsin State Representative Pat Snyder announced his candidacy for re-election in the 85th Assembly District today.

“It is a great honor to serve the people of the 85th Assembly District as their voice in Madison,” Rep. Snyder said. “Over the last two years, I have worked to make meaningful progress to move our state forward, including improving the child welfare system, authoring Right to Try, and passing Sara’s Law. I look forward to continuing to make impactful reforms for the taxpayers in Marathon County and across the state.”

This session Rep. Snyder served as co-chair of the Speaker’s Task Force on Foster Care. The Task Force traveled the state to hear testimony from foster parents, foster children, biological parents, and other advocates. Under Rep. Snyder’s leadership, the members of the bipartisan Task Force jointly introduced a package of bills that addressed the concerns raised at public hearings statewide. 11 of these important bills were passed by both houses of the legislature and signed into law by Governor Walker.

“I am committed to remaining accessible and listening to the people of the 85th Assembly District. Whether it is at a community event, a meeting at a local coffee shop, or during my monthly office hours, the issues I hear about the most are supporting our local schools, affordable high-quality healthcare, and holding the line on taxes,” said Rep. Snyder. “I will continue to build upon our successes in these areas, including a record increase in K-12 education spending.”

Also during his first term, Rep. Snyder authored several proposals that have been signed into law. This includes legislation that will allow patients to receive exploratory medical treatment, legislation that provides protections for family law attorneys, a bill that provides resources for child neglect and abuse prevention, an increase in access to mental health records for foster parents, and the creation of a license for micro-markets.

The 85th Assembly District includes the Cities of Schofield and Wausau; the Villages of Rothschild, Elderon and Hatley; and the Towns of Bevent, Norrie, Weston, Easton, Reid, Franzen, and Ringle.