Letters: Pat Snyder cares about health care
Published on October 23, 2018 in Opinion
Dear editor,
As a physician, I believe that we need to strive for full access to health care and comprehensive insurance coverage for preexisting conditions. I have personally seen the devastation caused by lack of adequate access and coverage.
Representative Pat Snyder has directly acknowledged the importance of these issues and supports options for lowering healthcare costs for individuals and families. He has worked to protect all the members of our community with regard to healthcare insurance, but particularly those most vulnerable. He has strongly supported coverage for pre-existing conditions in existing policies as well as new coverage.
He has well articulated the need to provide health care options that are attainable and affordable. As our representative in Madison, he has been our ardent advocate: quick to listen and respond to the needs of his constituents. He has truly demonstrated a heart for the people of the 85th Assembly District.
We need representatives that can listen to us, cut through the political rhetoric and strive for affordable and compassionate solutions to the problem of healthcare coverage. I am confident in Pat’s commitment to work tirelessly on our behalf, and strongly encourage you to support him on November 6th.
Dr. Fernando Riveron, Wausau