Letters: Snyder is a strong advocate for manufacturing industry
Published on October 30, 2018 in Opinion
Dear editor,
Merrill Steel is a family-owned company that has been part of the Wausau/Merrill area for nearly 60 years. We’re proud of the work we do and the products we send to major projects in Wisconsin and throughout the country. This year, Merrill Steel won a contract with Foxconn. We’re happy to be one of eight companies in the state and three in Marathon County that will partner with Foxconn. Merrill Steel will fabricate structural steel and miscellaneous metals work for the Mount Pleasant facility.
We’re grateful State Representative Pat Snyder stands behind his constituents and keeps our best interest in mind. He had the foresight to know the impact this project could have right here in Marathon County. Pat understands the needs of our community and knows how strong our manufacturing industry is.
Pat works hard to help support jobs in our community. He also worked to ensure any investment we make is sound. When legislation for Foxconn was passed, it included claw backs to ensure the company invests in the state. Wisconsin will see a $18 return on every dollar the state spends. That’s not politics, that’s smart business.
Representative Snyder has been a strong advocate for the manufacturing industry here in Marathon County and we thank him for his commitment to our community and bringing such great opportunities to the businesses in our area.
I’m proud to vote for him on November 6th.
Tim Hinner, Wausau